Key Points From Research on Torian Resources Ltd
- Small explorer resuming activities along Zuleika Shear near Kalgoorlie
- A$6m of JV funding in place for the next four years
- Mt Stirling resource near RED.ASX Ursus Fault discoveries along from King of the Hills
- Small scale mining project in consideration for 2020
- Kalgoorlie region has numerous new targets beneath alluvium cover
- Very small market cap but high potential
- Download Full Research Report here
Call me to discuss:
+61 2 9222 9111
Developing Quality Gold Exploration Portfolio in WA
Torian has quality exploration tenements in two prolific gold production regions in Western Australia and is ready to resume activity after a period of tenement rationalisation and management changes.

Kalgoorlie Region tenements have six projects including the Zuleika Shear, Credo Well, Mt Monger and Gibraltar. This Kalgoorlie region has a widespread blanket of transported cover and little outcrop and is undergoing a major re-evaluation and re-interpretation from basic principles as new gold hosting environments in the Black Flag Group (including sediments) are recognised. Over 127 targets have been identified by TNR on its tenements using geological and geophysical tools.
Leonora Region tenements have three projects Mt Stirling, Mt Stirling Well and Diorite. Mt Stirling is adjacent to RED.ASX’s very encouraging King of the Hills development and likely to provide near term cashflow from small scale mining.
Torian has accelerated the activity over its portfolio by farm-outs and is seeking to achieve gold production and build cash by end 2020.