Category: In The News

Streetwise: Gold Hits New US High

by Barry Dawes

In a recent article from Streetwise Reports, Barry Dawes of Martin Place Securities discusses the current state of the gold and silver markets. He emphasizes that gold, referred to as the "Metal of Prosperity," is rising after decades of suppression. Dawes suggests that recent changes in U.S. economic policy are allowing commodity prices to reflect true supply and demand dynamics. He also notes that silver is following gold's upward movement, with mine production lower than a decade ago and demand growing in new uses.

The Gold Rally Happening Now

by Alison Sammes

Interviewed on Proactive Investors on Wednesday afternoon, Barry Dawes talks on Bulls, Bears & Brokers about his predictions regarding the gold rally that is happening now in the market.

As a long-time GoldBug, Mr Dawes has consistently read the gold market accurately and is happy to share his insights. Regular commentary has been provided through his stock market analysis "Dawes Points". He regularly suggests that, like himself, investors need to follow the markets, not the commentators.

Is Now The Time To Buy Gold?

If you have subscribed to Dawes Points or follow either MPS or Barry on Twitter, you would have received Wednesdays' commentary. Inspired by trends in the Gold price and in Gold Stocks, Barry's shows why he thinks it's a good time to Buy.

In fact, just in the process of accumulating the data for that issue saw the price jump 1 per cent, a definite sign of the gold rally!

Who Says This Is A Gold Rally?

The Dawes Points is an in-depth technical analysis of the stock market. The focus is usually on the effects world events have on the Australian stock market. Before starting his own firm Barry spent 30 years in investment management as a senior executive.

While his training as a geologist ensures Barry has an exceptional understanding of the resources industry. This is why when he gets excited, those around him get excited as well.

If you don't have time to read the full analysis, watch his latest interview to get the overview in under 5 minutes. And stay updated by following Barry on Twitter (where he regularly shares his favourite charts of the day).

How To Develop Your Own Analysis Strategy

To quote from the latest Dawes Points market commentary:

Watching the technicals of the price action of gold in US$ and also in other currencies helps a lot.

Watching gold stocks helps even more.

The Philadelphia Gold Index is the key index to watch.  It has already broken out of its wedge and is showing leadership.

The $XAU Gold & Silver Index - Philadelphia Index is one of the key charts to watch, here you can see where it was supported on the downtrend and that it's now ready to go

Stock Market Highs, Stock Market Lows & the Super Pit at Kalgoorlie

by Barry Dawes

Bulls Bears & Brokers: Martin Place Securities Barry Dawes on market highs and lows and the Super Pit at Kalgoorlie

Renowned resources expert and stockbroker, Martin Place Securities executive chairman Barry Dawes, is interviewed on Proactive about the highs and lows of the markets.

Stock Market Highs & Lows

With record highs expected in the equity markets, Barry discusses what investors will likely see in the coming months looking at the bond markets and the volatility in currencies. You will also want to hear his commentary on commodities.

What affect will Saracen buying 50% of the Super Pit at Kalgoorlie have?

Gold Stocks

Although a fan of gold stocks, for obvious reasons, Barry shares his advice around investing in certain developers and emerging producers.

Free Access to Top Stocks with Alan Kohler

by Alison Sammes
Barry Dawes recently spoke with Alan Kohler for the Top Stocks on "The Constant Investor". If you're not already a subscriber (why not?!), you have still listen to Barry. We've been given free 24-hour access to The Constant Investor so that our clients can listen to episode. Just click on this: and sign up. The 24-hour free pass begins from the moment your registration is accepted and you'll then has access to the entire website. You can find Barry's interview here: Once you've got access, you can also listen to earlier interviews with Barry, including The Gold Spotlight

Interview: The Constant Investor with Alan Kohler – Gold Spolight

by Alison Sammes

Barry Dawes appeared on The Constant Investor with Alan Kohler at the end of August.

The Spotlight – Gold

Published by Alan Kohler - August 27, 2016 Gold is in The Spotlight this week. I speak with Barry Dawes, Executive Chairman of investment firm Martin Place Securities. Barry is one of Australia’s best gold bulls and speaks about the precious metal as both a commodity and currency. the-constant-investor-alan-kohler-logo

Mining Journal: Australia’s gold renaissance

by Alison Sammes
mining-journal-logoThe current move up in the US$ gold price is doing wonderful things for the Australian gold industry today. For the past three months since May 1, 2016, the average weekly close has been A$1,753/oz and so far in our July/June financial year it has been A$1,768 after being A$1,663 for the June 2016 half – A$100/oz better than the June half. Read the full article in the Mining Journal

CNBC: Oil rebalancing much closer than IEA suggests

by Alison Sammes
cnbc-13-sep-2016-oil-rebalancing-much-closer-than-iea-suggestsTuesday, 13 Sep 2016: Barry Dawes appeared on CNBC's  "Commodities Corner" talking about the oil market. Watch the full video on the CNBC website:
OPEC has been increasing their demand figures and forecasts every month, while decreasing their output, says Martin Place Securities' Barry Dawes.

CNBC: Gold is in a powerful bull market

by Alison Sammes


Tuesday, 13 Sep 2016: Barry Dawes appeared on CNBC's  "Commodities Corner" talking about the gold market. Watch the full video on the CNBC website:

Every correction in the gold market has been quite shallow, which hints at strong underlying demand, says Barry Dawes from Martin Place Securities.


MNN: Gold can keep rising

by Alison Sammes
Gold is the true store of value and should be considered as a currency and never just another commodity. Its true purpose in turn is primarily a recognised and portable store of value and has been shown to be so for millennia. Today, whether it be necklaces in India, intricate figurines in China or coins in the West, gold is value, currency and status. Read the full editorial by Barry Dawes on Mining News Net mnn-global-gold-supply-and-demand

Interview: This Is a Powerful Bull Market in Gold

by Alison Sammes
Don't miss Barry Dawes' interview on "The Street" with Daniela Cambone.
KITCO NEWS - Gold is in a strong bull market, and it's only going to get better, this according to Barry Dawes, executive chairman of Australian-based investment firm Martin Place Securities. But, unlike the doomsayers, Dawes is calling for a global economic boom and thinks gold stands to gain. 'This is a powerful bull market in gold,' says Dawes, noting that even more powerful forces are at work that will change the global allocation of capital. 'The world has never been as wealthy and the wealth is no longer a U.S. or Europe dominated force. China, India and South East Asia are now wealthy blocs with over 3,300 million people,' he said. In an interview with Kitco News, Dawes said he is calling for $1,500 an ounce gold by year end. 'The strength in the gold market has been displayed since the lows in January 2016 and long before Brexit became a market issue. Markets respond to the major long-term issues and tend not to be reversed over short-term matters,' he said. ... Read the full article on Kitco News 
Watch the interview with Daniela Combone on The Street: or on YouTube:

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