Makes all other REEs irrelevant +Gallium Greenland – Will it or won’t become under US supervision?
Look below at lithium – market low and turning coming very soon
Critical Minerals CorpThe `b’ wave high was above Wave1 – shows internal strength. Superb 5 wave `c’ to form Wave 2. New leg wave 1 breakout and pullback to small wave 2 Wave 3 coming soon?New Wave 1 followed by correction. Final low in a wave 5 should be soon to backtest wave 2 Q3 2024 lows. Could be a sharp final selloff.
EUR has 73m CRML shares worth about A$1000m. or A$0.53 per share fully diluted.
Becoming a serious company. Tanbreez is a world leading REE deposit. CRML breaks 3 month downtrend.
CRML share price breaking out technically from 3 month downtrend
CRML becoming a leading US-based critical minerals company
Acquisition of world leading Tanbreez REE deposit is a master stroke
Proposed Lithium Refinery in Saudi Arabia with Obeikan Investment Group - negotiations soon
Saudi Arabia’s industrialisation program delivers <US$0.048/kWh electricity
BMW US$15m prepaid lithium supply funds received by CRML
EUR will be taken along
EUR is also acquiring the high grade Leinster lithium project in Ireland for US$10m paid with 1.23m CRML shares
Market cap A$68m on 1,398m shares at A$0.049.
MPS assessed market value is A$0.67 today.
Appraised value A$1.14.
The pieces are coming together for EUR for it to be now taken as a serious company.
The listing on NASDAQ of CRML has given EUR a vast balance sheet to pursue developments of its lithium and now REE assets.
Despite the naysayers, CRML is well placed to become a key part of important US indices and the acquisition of Tanbreez should provide a significant re rating.
BMW has contributed US$15m to the Wolfsberg Lithium Project and Saudi Arabia is encouraging resources development using its world class new infrastructure and low cost energy inputs for the lithium refinery.
Saudi-based Obeikan Investment Group is proposed JV partner.
Obeikan is one of Saudi Arabia's top 100 companies with more than 3000 employees and offices in 16 countries.
Saudi Arabia has been encouraging industrialisation and resource development under its Saudi Vision 2030 plan to reduce reliance on oil revenues.
A good example of this is the current Saudi drive to invite Australian exploration and development expertise to Saudi Arabia’s Archaean Nubian Belt.
Saudi Arabia is rewarding discoveries by offering 75% debt funding for capex, low energy costs (ultra low gas prices into electricity generation) and 2-3% interest rates for new mining development projects.
Obeikan Investment Group would be well placed to assist in utilising these available incentives.
Note the extent of Saudi Arabian Infrastructure described here.
All those oil revenues have been building a powerful infrastructure base for Saudi Arabia.
Roads 73,000km
Railways 4,500km
Seaports 10 sea ports
Airports 28 Airports
Industrial activity is significant in Saudi Arabia.
1 The MODON (Saudi Authority for Industrial Cities and Technology Zone ) administers 35 Industrial cities with over 3,500 factories.
2 The Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu (RCJY) has four enterprise zone cities to develop energy related projects.
3 Saudi Arabia also has The Economic Cities Authority overseeing three private sector owned economic zone cities.
The installed infrastructure of power and utilities extends across the Kingdom and offers internationally attractive costs structures.
Note power costs of US$0.048/kWh for normal businesses and for energy intensive businesses, like lithium refining where power costs are >20% of operating costs, the rate is just US$0.032/kWh.
These are far cheaper than European costs of >Euro$0.20/kWh ( US$21.6/kWh).
Annual Electricity Prices (incl taxes) for Industrial Businesses in Germany. (Euro cents /kWh) Source: Statistica
The Lithium Refinery in Saudi Arabia is very real for CRML.
It is also becoming clearer that long term availability of higher grade spodumene for lithium extraction is far more limited than realised and most other non-brine lithium sources are uneconomic.
Tanbreez is one of the world’s most important REE deposits and its location in Greenland (part of Denmark) makes it European and more importantly non Chinese.
China produces 60% of the world’s primary Rare Earths output
China processes 87% of the worlds REE concentrates
China produces 91% of the world’s refined REE metals
All other REE deposits just pale into insignificance against Tanbreez.
28.2mt of TREO.
10x Lynas’s resources.
400m thick, at surface and it is the coastline.
Market cap (green) and total TREO resources (blue).
TANBREEZ dwarfs them.
Tanbreez is 27% Heavy REEs which are the most valuable.
CRML is now being rerated.
Pass through value is very attractive for EUR.
CRML closed at US$11.53 on Friday 14 June and broke a three month downtrend.
Over A$0.60 per EUR share fully diluted.
The yellow shading is likely to be moving to the right.
Almost US$12 and A$0.66 for EUR.
Don’t miss out.
Leinster Lithium Project
EUR is in the process of acquiring LHR Resources which is the 100% owner of the Leinster Lithium Project.
The project is situated south of Dublin in the Leinster Granite Massif within the same key tectonic zone and along strike to the Blackstairs Lithium (Ganfeng / ILC joint venture) Avalonia Project.
The Leinster Lithium Project is subdivided into a North Leinster and a South Leinster Block.
The North Leinster Block consists of 15 prospecting licenses covering an area of 477 km².
The South Leinster Block has 8 licenses covering 284 km².
Each block contains several developing prospect areas where significant lithium bearing spodumene pegmatites have been located in surface sampling and more recently in diamond drilling on PL 1597.
Grades over 3% LiO2 have been encountered.
Gangfeng’s Blackstairs Lithium Avalonia Project within the red circle sits between the two Blocks.
EUR will acquire the asset through the sale of 1.23m CRML shares for US$10m.
Completion of transaction subject to usual due diligence.
The MPS Valuation Matrix
Key assets
CRML (83% reducing to 82%)
Tanbreez (7.5%)
Lithium Ireland acquisition (paid for with 1.23m CRML shares for US$10m)
Cash from exercised options in dilution process.
Market value today A$0.67 and A$1,253m.
Appraised Value A$1.14 at A$2,073m.
EUR downtrend broken.
Rally to A$0.09
Break of downtrend gives >A$0.40
Longer Term Technicals
A rise above A$0.065 would put EUR back into the long term formation after the false breakdown.
NASDAQ LISTING OF WOLFSBERG COULD BRING A$1.1BN TO EUR VALUE EUR is developing a portfolio of European lithium and rare earth projects that have considerable potential to significantly increase the market value of EUR and make it an early leader in European lithium production.
The key asset is the smaller scale 8.8ktpa LHM Wolfsberg Lithium spodumene mining project in Austria soon to be vended into CRML for listing on NASDAQ for US$750m in shares to EUR and lead to it becoming the first EU producer of battery grade lithium.
Past production of 10moz (2moz underground and 8moz alluvial)
New NZ Government now encouraging mining
New Langdons tenement in the Papora Goldfield in same Greenland Group rocks of the Reefton Line of Lode
Antimony byproduct becoming more significant in a strengthening antimony market
Sams Creek exploration leading to potential additional resources
Geochem and geophysics surveys here increasing the mineralisation footprints
Notional in-ground value yardstick of SNG resources is US$2,670m (A$3,985m) vs A$10m market cap
Key points
Siren Gold has 1.3moz in two projects in South island New Zealand
holds major portfolio of Reefton tenements
has 81% JV at Sams Creek with OceanaGold
Current Reefton resource of 511koz @ 4.4g/t AuEq (including antimony)
This is > US$1,000m in ground value
SNG building towards a central plant treating ores from several sites
Bonanza grade maiden results in gold and antimony from new Langdon’s Prospecting Permit in SW near Greymouth
Results included with notional in-ground value per tonne
506g/t Au 6.0% Sb = US$32,721/t
6.08 g/t Au 9.30% Sb = US$1,593/t
10.90 g/t Au 3.90% Sb = US$1,195/t
Total of 400m strike and 200m wide
Outcropping reefs beneath shallow coal measures
Expect to find reef structures are much longer here under the coal
Sams Creek resource of 824koz @ 2.8g/t expected to be increased in 2024
Geochem and geophysics surveys highlight large anomalies
Market cap A$10m on 161m shares @ A$0.061
An MPS report on Siren Gold on 19 December 2023 detailed the aggregation, consolidation and development of a number of tenements in SNG’s Reefton Goldfield portfolio.
The portfolio has tenements ranging over ~100km of the strike of the Reefton Line of Lode from the Lyell tenements in the north to Alexander River and down to tenement over Bell Hill in the south.
Siren Gold - Reefton Project Tenement Location
Siren Gold has steadily built up its gold resource base as it has carried out effective detailed exploration work on these tenements on its program towards a target of >3.5moz by end 2025.
Exploration work on the Reefton Goldfield along strike and downdip on the veins and reefs is expected to add around 500koz within the next 12months.
The Reefton style of mineralisation will allow this statement to have validity.
The Line of Lode is over 50km along strike and reefs have been mined or followed 1500m down dip.
Reef drilling can give multiple repeats of data like this for inferred resources at each project and each year.
300m strike x 1500m down dip x 1m wide = 450,000m3 x 2.6 SG = 1.17mt @ 4g/t = 145koz
3 or 4 of these basic units gets 500koz each year.
Note too, that in the diagram below, Sams Creek is expected to essentially double its resources of 825koz in 2024 through new work and with the new anomaly at Anvil.
Siren Gold’s Resource table
Note that the in ground value for these resources is US$2679m (A$4,600m).
For an A$10m market cap company.
These are gross figure of course but revenue on even half as recoverable mineralisation would cover very large capital and operating costs and still provide a very good return.
The focus on the Reefton Goldfield from the above full table shows 511koz with the southern permits primarily gold with minor antimony.
But Auld Creek in the more northerly Golden Point tenement has a resource with 1.5% antimony (Sb).
Antimony will become more important for military purposes and at around US$13,000/t is very valuable.
The inground value of Reefton to SNG is US$1012m including US$113m for the antimony.
Siren Gold’s Targets along the Reefton Line of Lode (Note Federation Mining has 700koz @ 23g/t) so total combined current defined resources on the Reefton Goldfield are 1.1moz @16g/t.
The Langdons tenement in the Paparoa Goldfield was granted in May 2023 on a section of Greenland Group Ordovician Lachlan Fold Belt rocks just east of Greymouth.
This is the same rocks of the Reefton Line of Lode but to the west and closer to the coast.
The outcrop of these rocks is quite sparse but several small historic high grade gold and antimony mines are known from the 1880s but most of this geology is covered by later sediments including coal measures.
Several open cut coal mines have operated in the area and Siren is assessing whether these overlying Cretaceous coal measures are actually quite thin over the Greenland Group rocks.
Langdons Tenement showing Cretaceous Coal Measures (in green) and other overlying sediments with islands of Ordovician Greenland Group
The Langdons Reef was discovered in 1879 and early reported grades were up to 80oz/t (2,610g/t).
Several mines were opened and a battery was established in 1885 and a second in 1890.
Langdon and Victory reefs were mined over a period of five years with reported production of 1,586oz @ 60g/t.
These mines were also considered as antimony mines.
Langdons and Victory were reopened after WWII and ran for several years with Victory being mined over three levels but no hard data is available.
Adits were developed at Langdons, Liberty and Victory(>100m).
Geochem surveys in the 1980s highlighted a broad 150m wide zone over 400m along the Langdons-Liberty axis with a smaller sub parallel zone over the Victory.
Outcrop is sparse but recent rock chip samples by Siren gave very high grades for gold and antimony.
These are only rock chip samples but look at the value per tonne.
Sample F is still US$261/t against probable operating costs of US$70/t but before refining and dilution costs.
The Langdons tenements strike NW-SE and dip to the north.
This is quite different alignment to that of the N-S Reefton Line of Lode.
SNG assesses that the strike is likely to extend to the NW beneath the coal measures.
Drilling should test that later in 2024.
A fault bounds the SE sector.
Geochem sampling and historic antimony-gold workings
It is early days for the Langdons targets but very little modern work has been done and no drilling at all.
With these high antimony grades there is clearly potential for finding additional mineralisation and perhaps resources.
Langdons, together with the high antimony in the Auld Creek resource, where the value of the antimony is almost equal to the gold, SNG could have a viable antimony stream with gold mining.
Auld Creek is not far from the old OceanaGold Globe Progress mill site which is the obvious choice for a new gravity and flotation mill.
The mill would treat Auld Creek, any potential Langdons ores as well as the gold ores from Big River and Alexander River.
The Golden Point tenement surrounds the Globe Progress tenement where the old mill site is located.
Auld Creek with 132koz AuEq is in the north and SNG has another 103koz at Supreme just outside the Globe Progress tenement.
The importance of antimony is growing.
Demand growth is expected run at 5-7%pa so that demand is likely to exceed 200,000tpa within a decade.
Antimony is most often alloyed with lead (Pb) and tin (Sn), making the elements more rigid or stiff hence in cast bullets.
It is used in lead-acid batteries and fire retardants and has an important and growing requirement in munitions.
With the continuing hostilities in Ukraine and now the Middle East much ammunition has been expended and is in short supply.
And in the US there is an ongoing ammunition shortage driven by the recent strong growth in gun sales.
In addition to being an important metal for ammunition and other defence needs, antimony is in high demand because of its use in clean energy infrastructure.
Renewable energy – Solar panels, wind turbines, generators, batteries, and nuclear reactors.
Technology – Smartphones, computers, semi-conductors, and automotives.
Defence – Ammunition, tanks, submarines, warships, communication systems, night vision goggles, infrared sensors, and other military technology.
Global production is around 110,000tpa but >50% comes from China, 18% from Russia and 15% from Tajistan.
Western-aligned output is <7%!
US demand from non-China sources is increasing and antimony project developers like SNG and NAG.ASX have had approaches from mandated metals merchants.
US Mines Dept data in tonnes.
Antimony prices were above US$14000 in 2022 and are now rising above US$13,000 again after being quite low early in 2023.
Australia has a gold-antimony mine at Costerfield in Victoria not far from Fosterville run by TSX-listed Mandalay Resources.
Costerfield produces about 40kozpa gold and around 2000tpa of antimony.
Mandalay is quite profitable.
The Mandalay share price is at an interesting juncture with its uptrend being tested.
Its reserves include around 29kt of contained antimony at 2.5% from resources of ~40kt contained antimony at 2.8%.
Antimony mines can make money.
Sams Creek
Sams Creek has 824koz @ 2.8g/t in a hydrothermally altered granite porphyry dyke and is analogous to NSW’s Lachlan Fold Belt and to the Cadia and Ridgeway porphyry copper gold deposits.
The dyke is 60m wide and can be traced on surface for over 7km from Riordans in the west to Barrons Flat in the east and gold mineralisation is notable 1000m down dip.
The dyke fits within geological folding over this entire distance with gold mineralisation observed in the fold hinges, resulting in NE plunging mineralised shoots.
Three folds have been intersected in the Main Zone and additional folds have been mapped on surface and indicated in the soil and rock chip sampling.
These additional mineralised fold hinges have the potential to significantly increase the Sams Creek Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) of 824koz @ 2.8g/t Au in the Main Zone.
SNG is projecting a doubling of this resource in 2024, particularly from the Anvil prospect.
The 3D visualization shows the folded dyke dipping NE and the large magnetic anomaly generated by two separate data sets of magnetism and radiometrics.
It also shows the at surface arsenic geochem signatures indicating the extent of the hydrothermal alteration.
At Sams Creek, Siren Gold also carried out Ionic Leach (IL) Geochemistry which has a deep sensing capability that can identify blind mineral systems with potential for hosting metal deposits.
The IL survey gave a strong gold-arsenic-molybdenum association within the Main Zone and it also found another strong anomaly to the east at Anvil.
The Anvil prospect had mineralised outcrop with rock chips up to 57g/t and two discrete IL anomalous zones coincided with elevated results from rock chips.
lement associations for many other metals including copper, lithium and rare earths were generated but the gold-arsenic-molybdenum appears to have given the most conclusive result.
This work is helping towards doubling the Sams Creek resource in 2024.
Change of government in New Zealand.
Christopher Luxon, New Zealand’s 42nd prime minister, is leading a centre-right government with the National Party, ACT New Zealand and New Zealand First, with clear policy plans to support regional development and the resource sectors.
Key Coalition Agreement Policies include:
Update the Crown Minerals Act 1991 to clarify its role as promoting the use of Crown minerals.
Explore the potential for a critical minerals list, where such minerals would have a preferential pathway for development once identified.
The Parties commit to establishing a fast-track one-stop-shop consenting and permitting process for regional and national projects of significance (Amendment of Resource Management Act 1991).
Investment the strategic opportunities in New Zealand’s mineral resources, including vanadium, and develop a plan to develop these opportunities.1
The Hon Shane Jones, Minister for Resources, Regional Development, Oceans & Fisheries, delivered his first full speech to parliament (address in reply debate) with strong support for mining and rare earth mineral extraction, as well as mining on Department of Conservation (DoC) land, stating:
“We’re going to have not only a plan but we’re going to have some certainty for the providers of international capital who are going to help us develop our economy. Fast track for aquaculture, fast track for mining, fast track for energy, fast track for infrastructure. Mining is coming back”.
SNG has had personal contact with the Minister and a local MP and has been assured of full support for the company’s plans for new mines and a mill.
SNG Probable downtrend break and backtest - expect to rally back to A$0.30.
This has certainly been uncharted territory for us all so we can only react to what major markets are doing and saying. The very long term price histories remain positive and suggest the past few months have seen declines to major long term support.
We now need to ponder what this all means in the longer term.
And price history suggests you can forget the doomsday scenarios.
Extremes in sentiment show many signs of very important lows and provide the basis for continuation of the DawesPoints Global Boom.
The rally in global equities has begun and it could be driven more by the assumption that the worst for Covid-19 may be over rather than just the US bailout. The markets are anticipating a peaking in new Covid-19 reportings and/or that a cure/cures has/have been found.
Let’s look at what the markets are saying and have been showing these signs for the past month as reported in my desk notes.
Key Points
Dow Jones Industrial Index at important MAJOR long term uptrend support
Four year cycle low is probably in place
Sentiment indicators show high pessimism levels
Long term indicators suggest low is in place
US$ still strong – Euro made new 3year low
Bond markets well over extended
Commodities driven lower by oil price rout
Shanghai market still holding well
Iron ore steady
Long term ASX Metals and Mining index back to downtrend line
I still am of the view that this weakness will be over very quickly and the fiscal and monetary easing across the world will cause strongly inflationary pressures.
I am seeing numerous efforts to bring some vaccines and drugs to combat the virus and am particularly impressed with the results from the anti-malarial Hydroxy Chloroquine. Markets might be recognizing this.
These figures are very interesting for the understanding of this Covid-19 virus and who it hits.
A 2 April 2020 report from Reuters on Louisiana showed an astounding 97% of COVID 19 hospital admissions had pre-existing conditions:-
Diabetes 40%
Obesity 25%
Chronic Kidney 23%
Cardiac Problems 21%
(these are not meant to add to 100)
And this:-
I have not been able to independently confirm this data but it seems whatever data we are seeing it is more a matter of comparing apples with bananas, cheese and zucchini.
Age, gender, race, comorbidities, mortality/admission ratios and so much needs to be tabulated and analysed.
Control might prove to be far simpler than currently perceived.
This crisis is enforcing curtailment of civil liberties and changing expectations from citizens so we might see some most unexpected outcomes when this is all over. Will it bring better people into politics and will the media be reformed after so much partisan commentary from commentators who are instant experts on everything?
Good people need to, and are, standing up.
The opportunity for restructuring the global economy and supply chains is now massive. This should result in more manufacturing in the US and hopefully in Australia and may be a sea change here in attitudes and actions. New incentives for start ups, fewer regulations, revival of onshore oil and gas exploration, consideration of new onshore refining capacity and changes in labour laws.
The crisis has created problems in Europe and the pressures will surely lead to the eventual break up of the EU. That union has no leadership and its many members will be wondering why they are there at all. Euro to zero?
Also the problems in Iran could lead to a better outcome for its citizens and a regime change would curtail much of the insurgency in the Middle East.
And the impact on China may also lead to more liberalisation once the crisis there has truly passed.
The collapse in the oil price will cause restructuring in US shale production and in Russia. Saudi Arabia will be having budget issues as will all the high taxing oil producing countries.
Expect to see the permanent loss of at least 1mmbbl/day production from marginal fields in the US and Russia in 2020. Oil prices (West Texas Intermediate -WTI) in Midland Texas have been in the US$6-7/bbl range as demand drops storage is taken up. Expect a 25% decline in US oil production rate from ~13mmbbl/day to <10.
This crisis has also shown up problems in so much infrastructure so renewal capex should accelerate across the board with physical assets and also in IT and bureaucracies. Interesting times.
The economic impact of the shutdowns will be great on employment levels but many sectors will be completely unaffected in the short term.
The equity markets will discount the future and give a better idea of the outlook so it will again be a time to `Heed the Markets, not the Commentators’.
This is indeed a critical moment in the markets but could be the MAJOR low here as the bottom picked up the 1982 uptrend. Maybe some churning is required but the worst is probably over.
This graphic shows the extreme low channel and a jump back into the next channel.
The shorter term looks even better for a market bottom to be in place. Bounced off a lower channel and back into a mid-range channel.
It is worth looking at some of the sentiment graphics available.
Martin Pring with Stockcharts showed the NYSE Bullish % Index hit a level almost as low as 2008.
The US Put/Call ratio was at extremes with all Puts and no Calls.
Martin Pring’s momentum indicators provided a major BUY signal with many stocks making extreme lows then rebounding to show leadership in the S&P500 Index.
Ciovacco Capital has this interesting chart for the S&P 500 250 week moving average with probably fastest-ever test.
Source: Ciovacco Capital
The short term has seen a close above the 200 week moving average but with confirmation needed with this week’s close.
Source: Ciovacco Capital
Stocks are outperforming bonds and have just pulled back to the break out line. Very positive.
And this from Graddhy – Commodities TA and Cycles (@graddhybpc) suggesting the 4 year cycle low is coming in right now. This is impressive. Major sell off, massive volume right on time with this 4 year cycle.
f you have a Twitter account I suggest you follow him at @graddhybpc
Comparisons with 1929.
The 1929 fall was very dramatic and the recovery quite spectacular.
This graphic is not logarithmic so is not so useful. (Apologies that it is cut off, unlabelled and unsourced.)
However, this is Martin Pring’s view of 1926-1941 highlighting major selloffs.
The world worked on the Gold Standard then so prices had a true yardstick (even if it did change in 1934 from US$20.67 to US$34.00).
Today, with no Gold Standard, all prices are measured against a floating currency which means nothing can be measured against a fixed yardstick.
It is also worth noting that in the 1920-30s about 40% of Western World workforce was employed in primary industries:- agriculture, mining, fishing, forestry, energy etc.
Today it is 3-4% so low commodity prices benefit most of the other 96%.
But today, services are far more than 40% and here it is where most job losses appear to be.
Importantly, many of these services have low barriers to entry as far as working capital so we should see a strong pick up once the turn comes through.
Barriers to employment in many services might just be a desk, phone or a vehicle.
I have shown this long term graphic of the Dow Industrial Average from 1923 to present from Schism @jatkinson33 previously.
A break of the uptrend curve from the low in 1932 would be very negative indeed but it would seem that government fiscal and monetary policies are and will be very accommodative such that a decline would be unlikely.
Also, bull markets, and this has been a major bull market, generally end with a bang. This hasn’t!
Note that the Dow 30 was not even at the midpoint curve when it had its pull back to the bottom uptrend curve.
The longer term in this 60 year price history of the CRB Index shows today is certainly at an extreme level but it is at a stage of close to the end of a 12 year decline from 2008.
This index is back at 1973 levels in nominal terms but it is heavily weighted to oil and petroleum sector products.
It seems to be coming into a major low.
Clearly precious metals and copper are well above 1973 levels and certainly iron ore so do not fit into this group.
ASX Metals and Mining
This is one of the best and most positive charts I can find. Pull back to 2008 downtrend and some long term support.
This graphic tells me a lot and is very positive. Ignore the current `fundamentals’ and consider that a retest of the 2008 downtrend line has taken place at a level that is horizontally important. The bounce should be robust from here.
BHP is well placed to continue its longer term outperformance of the S&P500.
Shanghai - Long term still heading up
It is surprising that Shanghai is holding up well and in 2019 finally broke out from its 2015 downtrend.
This market may be manipulated but it is still at the level of a decade ago despite rising GDP figures.
Shanghai – Short term still solid
And what might this mean? Shanghai vs S&P 500.
Iron ore is holding OK.
Gold – looking very strong - Much higher prices coming -probably quite soon
Gold – still in uptrend here and making new rally highs.
And here
This model puts gold into the US$10,000/oz class in the next few years and almost US$9,000 now.
Source: Lighthouse
Another view on gold from Northstar @Northst18363337 suggests we are only just starting this bull market. Northstar is an excellent analyst on Twitter.
Gold stocks in North America have done some constructive (if highly unusual) technical action and this is very positive.
The sell-offs were related to highly leveraged ETF and hedge funds getting margin calls. The worst of this should now be over and will allow gold stocks to move higher again.
Market leaders Barrick and Newmont are very constructive.
The bigger picture is provided by this Dawes Point Elliott Wave interpretation where it would appear we have just completed a wave 2 in a WAVE 3.
Gold stocks are poised to strongly outperform the general market.
A$ gold is still strong and made a new high above A$2800 and is now about A$2730.
The ASX Gold Index has provided a good test and a bounce.
All this looks very encouraging to me. Best big buys BHP RIO FMG MIN WPL OSHBest Golds NCM NST EVN WGX RRL SAR WGXBest emerging golds DEG BGL CYL RED KZR CDV NTM CHN MGV
Call me to participate. Barry Dawes BSc F AusIMM(CP) MSAFAA Executive Chairman Martin Place Securities +61 2 9222 9111
Gold is a many splendoured thing and means different things to different people.
Concerns over debt, the Coronavirus or an overvalued stock market could be reasons for higher gold prices but I still consider gold now to be the Metal of Prosperity.
Asian demand is from rising prosperity and sales to Asia from the West represents a short position for many banks. The probe into JPMorgan gold price rigging may force cover of these short positions, especially in silver.
ETF and Central Bank purchases of gold in the Dec Half of 2019 offset declines in Asian demand but rising prosperity in the US pushed gold jewellery demand to the ten-year highs.
The US is experiencing a momentous acceleration in its Trump Blue Collar Boom. Just watch employment, housing and autos (the coming EV boom).
Economic Confidence Index is at the highest level in almost 20 years.
This long term demographic/technical graphic shows the US market is in the early days of a major bull market. Demographic changes are driving it.
Capital flows are showing bonds have peaked and are flowing into equities. And Property and commodities and gold.
Gold has continued to move higher in all currencies and achieved Friday monthly close on 31 January at US$1588.
The technical setup is for gold to now move higher in the near future.
US$1600 is an important level so a break above this should see gold rise almost US$200 to around US$1775 in a reasonably short time frame.
Moves to US$1800 are likely in 2020 and the previous high of US$1923 might be met or exceeded this year.
The longer-term picture is for a much higher gold price than this.
Gold in A$ is moving higher and the technical are suggesting a coming move into the next channel.
Gold can be traded using the ASX-listed ETF GOLD.ASX.
Silver is also setting up for continuation higher after its strong move in Sept last year.
As with gold, the long term pattern is suggesting a move that will take silver above its 1980 and 2011 high of US$50/oz.
Silver can be traded using the ASX-listed ETF ETPMAG.AXW
World Gold Council Data
The recently published 2019 data from the World Gold Council provided some interesting market trends.
Gold-backed ETF holdings reached an all-time high in Dec Qtr 2019 at 2885 tonnes, up 325 tonnes.
Europe now has almost as much in gold ETFs as the US.
Gold in Euros seems to be ready for a strong move as well.
The Euro still looks very weak to me and so the US$ will remain strong.
The US$ Index seems to be now ready to move higher.
Central banks were net buyers for 10th consecutive year with 650t to 34,500t and this gain, similar to
that in 2018, was the most in 50 years.
World Gold Mine production was 1% lower at 3463 tonnes and the first mine output decline in ten years.
Interestingly, this data shows the rate of change of gold production has a declining trend.
China has been declining from a record 453 tonnes (453,00kgs here) to 420 t but these figures may be optimistic. Peru gold output fell 9% in 2019.
Gold production in China has been from numerous small mines so the longer-term production is not assured despite official forecasts.
Other major gold producers Australia, USA and Russia were marginally higher.
Production costs as measured by AISC figures are rising again but this is more likely to be a function of declining cutoff grades rather than input factor costs.
On this graphic, ~6% of global gold production is still loss-making basis AISC data.
Recycling rose 11% to reflect the higher prices bringing out scrap.
The data showed gold in Indian Rupees drew out some selling.
Gold stocks
Gold stocks in North America continue to consolidate and after breaking through some technical resistance should move sharply higher again.
The unhedged HUI index is constructive.
The Philadelphia Gold Index has major long term resistance at 110 so a breakthrough this soon into 2020 will provide an acceleration to 150-170.
The GDX ETF seems to be tracking the XAU but may be stronger.
This GDX is tradable on ASX under code GDX.AXW.
Also, a North American Goldstock portfolio BetaShares ETF MNRS.AXW (non ASX companies) is available on ASX.
Individual stocks like Newmont
And leading royalty company Franco Nevada, are doing well.
Overall, Nth American Gold stocks are now breaking upwards against the S&P 500.
And looking very positive against gold itself.
Here in Australia the ASX S&P Gold Index looks very constructive. New highs above 2011 were seen in 2019 but the Index (~39% NCM) has pulled back to good support where the 2 December Dawes Points BUY NOW was issued. Once XGD breaks out to new highs a strongly accelerative action is likely to take place.
NST is well on its way to A$20 and beyond.
And NCM is far too cheap. Haveiron will be a real winner for NCM by converting Telfer from a marginal operation to a long life very profitable mine. Recent rains should also remove any concern for water for Cadia.
ASX gold stocks are very cheap now.
All these constructive technicals for gold and silver ( and platinum ) are telling me the artificial down pressures on gold are being removed and a significant revaluation is coming.
But this and so much else is also telling me that US equities and hence global equities are looking very strong for at least a decade.
The massive over-commitment to bonds to ~US$110tn will provide capital flows to equities and commodities for the next decade.
The A$ gold
price is higher and is cementing its position above A$2100.
expenditure for gold is at a new record high.
Many small
gold stocks are starting to perform.
gold production is strong but off slightly in Sept Qtr 2019.
Although Iran is in the news today and gold went through US$1600 I am not convinced it is rising due to safe-haven demand and a general need to protect against market failure.
No doubt
Iran has helped gold rise recently but I see a bigger picture.
equity markets are still strong and are anticipating an expanding global
Reviews of
so many US subsectors and global markets show some important and very positive
changes are underway in the world.
The Dow 30
is strong and is indicating a boom to last for years.
Calls for a
weaker US$ don’t make sense to me.
The strength in gold to me is confirming the strong underlying demand from Asia that has been fed by banks in the West that have gone short to deliver.
With US
prosperity increasing, the demand for gold is rising so the banks are left with
a major short position they need to cover.
This will
be the driver in gold prices to much higher levels.
Gold is
becoming not the crisis metal but rather the prosperity metal!
Call me to participate (and don't forget to subscribe to Dawes Points).
The fundamental factors for supply and demand for gold are, as repeated here often, many and varied so one perspective on debt, currency, COMEX market manipulation, monetary expansions, inflation, wars, economic turmoil or central bank holdings is good as another at any one time and the issues must all settle down as just a matter of buyers and sellers.
Who are the buyers and who are the sellers?
This is unknowable from week to week but if we come back to the @DawesPoints view of Asian buying and the West having sold and now considering to restock there is a very powerful argument for a continuing sharp rise in gold prices in all currencies.
Also, a strong economy will bring strong demand for gold through jewellery and maintaining insurance proportions of growing asset portfolios.
In the end though, we are all reliant on some form of technical analysis to ascertain what the millions of gold buyers and sellers are doing. There are so many different styles of technical analysis out there and many excellent exponents of their crafts. Most try to catch each move but at the end of the day, it needs to be recognised that this is a very long term bull market and we only need to get right the major moves and turning points.
This means we don’t get to sell all holdings at an index high but it pays to hold on to the key stocks like CYL that just continue to make new highs. And hold on to key stocks like NST, KLA, EVN, RED, TGM and TBR.
The @DawesPoints Global Boom TM is still well on track and is being led by the US equity market where we are witnessing the Panic Buying discussed here so often, despite the occasional pullback.
This @DawesPoints positive outlook on the US economy, the US equity market and the global economy hasn’t wavered over the six years of this newsletter’s existence despite the gyrations in all the major commodity, equity, bond and currency markets over that time.
The fundamental factor is the flow of capital.
The flow of capital from defensive positions in bonds and cash built up since 2008 and the decline in bond yields and interest rates reflects this hysteria that gave such low yields and even negative interest rates that in hindsight will truly be seen as the Scam of the Century.
Bond yields have bottomed here.
So bond prices are falling.
Rising yields and falling prices. Risk is rising rapidly.
This flow of capital out of these defensive positions into equities commodities, property and gold is only just starting and has many years to run.
Much is made of the supposed impending doom of the US$ because of all its debt but the markets are telling us something quite different.
The US$ continues to rise.
DawesPoints has been agnostic here because the US$ has been steady on this index for almost five years and rising against most other currencies outside this index.
But the Euro, with a 57% weighting here, looks quite precarious technically and Brexit is likely to remove the second-biggest economy and leave the other 27 and six hopefuls sucking on the teat of a bankrupt ECB. And the ECB intends to bring Climate Change into its policies to further add to Eurosclerosis. The UK Election is 12 December.
There is no technical support in this graphic for the Euro in the short term.
And nothing here in the longer term.
The Euro is the King of the fiat currencies.
On another note, the US$ might be hinting that the Trump Era will do what no man has done before:- halt the ever-rising budget expenditure affliction gripping the world.
The Impeachment Investigations clearly show a complete disregard for facts and due process and have brought out the massive cost of a bureaucracy intent on having very nice lives on the public purse. The public is starting to see the largesse in Foreign Aid and who are often the beneficiaries at the expense of the average taxpayer.
Those with inquiring minds could well do to access this and read `Here’s The Plan’ set out in the latter half of this opinion.
This could work a treat and save us from all that potential hyperinflation that would otherwise occur.
Something similar should be put intrain here in Australia.
So to Gold.
Asian economic growth continues despite all the negative commentaries and we see it as new highs in the Indian stock market and also in Taiwan with China still holding on.
Growing demand for gold is still with us despite short term variations.
Keep in mind a strong US economy will boost US jewellery demand and for gold as a share of rising portfolio values.
Gold in US$ had run to US$1566 in September and has had around three months (depending on how you view it) of consolidation and has pulled back to a low of around US$1446 giving a US$120 decline.
Interestingly, an uptrend line from Dec Qtr 2015 picks up US$1450 and this also ties in with trading around US$1450 levels in 2013.
Note too, that gold dropped over US$400 in the three months to late June 2013.
This could work in reverse with gold jumping US$400 over the next few months once the correction is over.
The long term gold price chart picks up this 2016 uptrend and shows its strong roots in the 1999-2001 lows. Nice!
The Gold price in Euros is looking good to me and seems ready to shoot higher. This may relate to that 12 December UK Election
Gold Stocks
Watching the technicals of price action of gold in US$ and also in other currencies helps a lot.
Watching gold stocks helps even more.
The Philadelphia Gold Index is the key index to watch. It has already broken out of its wedge and is showing leadership.
The XAU is actually leading the GDX Gold stock ETF out of the blocks but GDX is outperforming overall.
Key market leader Barrick is very well positioned for a sharp upmove soon.
Newmont is also ready but with a different pattern.
And the royalty companies are doing even better. And maybe ready to jump into a new trading channel.
A global exploration stock ETF GOEX provides another perspective for smaller companies.
We can go on all day with Nth American opportunities but this is where we are now with ASX gold stocks.
The Australian gold industry continues to grow its output and is on its way to 350tpa.
The quarterly data shows the strength.
Whilst WA is recovering it is NSW and Victoria that are providing the growth in output.
This shows the renaissance in gold mining in SE Australia as detailed in my recent Symposium presentation.
Interestingly we now have around 75% of Australian gold production from underground with Northern Star achieving outstanding mining productivity in its mines, Newcrest is one of the lowest cost major mines, Kirkland Lake’s Fosterville is currently the world’s highest-grade major mine (632,000ozpa @ 41.8g/t in Sept Qtr). NST has superior operating stats and Newcrest is a world leader in high volume block cave mining.
For the ASX S&P Gold Index, this looks like a massive inverted head and shoulders with a neckline at about 6000. The Index in August 2019 made a new high above the 2011 high and is simply pulling back to the neckline but an uptrend from 2012 is likely to keep the XGD above 6000.
Interestingly, those ~25% pullbacks seen throughout the 2000-2008 bull market is coming in here too.
Enough is enough!
And gold stocks have retreated against gold back to around 3.1x (but mostly through Newcrest with its 45% weighting in XGD).
So looking at the stocks let’s see what is afoot.
The leaders have made outstanding achievements in their local operations and have taken their expertise, technologies and balance sheets to opportunities in North America.
Northern Star with Pogo, Newcrest with Red Chris, St Barbara with Atlantic Gold and now Evolution with Campbell RedLake are showing the world their skills of underground mining.
This is a very long gold bull market so these companies have many years to accommodate these new assets and get the type of returns seen in their main Australian operations.
It was noteworthy that incoming Barrick CEO Mark Bristow said that his RandGold managers all had technical competencies and business qualifications as well. He also said the Barrick managers had only technical qualifications.
The global opportunities for Australian companies are very large from here.
NCM – Perfect pullback. No downside here!
NST – Still Moonshot. No downside
EVN - Tightly managed operations – Next growth phase – No downside
SAR – Tightly managed. Next growth phase
SBM – Next growth phase Already punished into excellent value
RRL - Still growing
SLR – Steady as she goes
RMS - The quiet achiever Over delivers
TBR – Still value here. Hidden assets
Smaller stocks provide excellent value
The Africans are coming together now
PRU - Growing nicely
CDV - Biggest discovery in the Birimian in over 20 years - 7moz So cheap!
TGM - Huge potential and near term production
Victoria is getting very exciting for us now with:
CYL - Hancock now 15% A$10 target still in place
KLA - Fosterville is outstanding. Buying opportunity now
KZR - Chasing up Castlemaine
CHN - Well cashed up
WA Players
RED - How big might this be?
BLK - Down but not out
BGL - How big might this be?
NTM - Making good progress
PNR - Waiting on Norseman acquisition
Some exotics
NVA - >2moz in elephant country
NVO.V - This is an extra special stock Pilbara conglomerates.
This is an extra special stock Pilbara conglomerates. I am a believer.
The world is an interesting place at present with some important structural changes underway in a number of countries.
The US is of course the key to all these developments and from a market perspective it is coming to the biggest markets of them all: currencies and bonds.
I am unable to make out much from this measure of the US$ as it seems to want to move higher despite a recent sell off. The US$ against the Euro and Japanese Yen does not seem to want to go lower although the British Pound has jumped in anticipation of a successful Brexit.
The bond markets of the world seem to be staging a peaking in price and bottoming of yields in what is described as the Scam of the Century where sovereign borrowers have obtained almost `free money' from panicking lenders. This game is coming to a close.
The recent increase in yields appears to be signalling the end of this period as it is notable that although new lows in yield were achieved in US 30 Year and in the 10 year for UK and Germany, these new lows were not confirmed by the key 10 year bonds in the US and Japan.
Recent lows in yield are suggesting that the 38 year decline in interest rates is now over.
Why are bond yield declines ending? The economic cycle is turning up again.
The key driver is Trump's USA.
US Consumer Sentiment is high despite a recent small decline and should support the US economy where the anecdotal evidence of activity is very wide and strong.
Housing is important to watch in the US.
It is only about 4% of US GDP but data indicates that as much as 15% of the economy relates to home building.
US housing starts have been soft for almost three years but the latest numbers gave a strong increase and this needs to be set against the long term requirement of around 1.5m units per year.
This graphic shows that substantial catchup of over 6m units is needed.
Multi-unit structures are taking a larger share of the housing market.
The economy is clearly benefiting from the increase in employment and the low interest rate environment. 30 year mortgage rates are very attractive for home buyers.
The Housing Sector Index for listed companies is also very strong and almost at all time highs.
And it is not just housing.
Dow Jones Trucking Index is close to all time highs.
The rate of change on economic activity is improving despite the superficial chatter.
But this story is far from just this. Raw materials for housing are looking firm.
The lumber price is bottoming and is ready to move higher.
Copper is also showing signs of picking up again.
Copper has its greatest use in buildings construction.
Global mine production is running at about 20.5mtpa with scrap at about 4mtpa and consumption is at about 24.5mtpa. The market will have a deficit of about 0.4mt in 2019.
China accounts for about 50% of all copper consumption.
Crude steel output in China has remained over 1000mtpa and September was a 20 month high in iron ore imports into China.
Keep in mind there is NO INVENTORY of LME metals out there. Copper, lead, zinc and tin are low and aluminium and nickel have has massive inventory reductions over the past few years and are now, too, at critical levels.
Port inventory of China iron ore is rising again but over 40m tonnes has been taken out of the market due to higher demand and the Brazillian shortfalls.
India is the second largest producer of crude steel at 114mtpa and is now an importer. India's target of 300mtpa of crude steel by 2030 will require another ~300mt of ironore and most will be imported. Note the growth in crude steel production in Vietnam and in MENA so that it is not just a China import market.
The price of oil still needs to reflect declining output from so many oil producers due to peak production from old conventional reservoirs.
Gold and iron ore are leading but copper and oil are ready to move higher and join the leaders.
And all the major commodities are now in uptrend.
And note things aren't all bad in China despite the Trade War.
China Caixin PMI History This has moved `unexpectedly higher'.
And that is not all.
Freight rates are improving although this is still a mixed market. Tanker rates have risen through withdrawal of some Chinese tankers and the need to anticipate the IMO 2020 restrictions on high sulphur shipping fuels. This will be another positive factor for oil prices as better quality crudes are pushed up against high sulphur crudes which have been widely used as bunker fuels.
The latest Trump China Trade Deal has emphasised a large pick up in China demand for US agricultural products especially soybeans. Trump made a big issue of this suggesting farmers would need to plant more soybeans. Futures prices for soybeans have reached 18 month highs and prices for wheat and corn have also risen.
The Commodity Research Bureau's CRB Index of futures on COMEX is showing some very constructive action and seems ready to break an 18 month downtrend.
The picture for the longer term looks even better.
This is very positive despite the pervasive pessimism and also for the Australian economy.
So coming back to the US Bond market the 10 year Treasury Note has provided `Goodbye Kiss' on the lower uptrend line.
The yield on the 10 year is oversold on the downside and now above the downtrend line.
The 30 Year Treasury Bond has also provided a good bye kiss.
The outlook remains clear.
Sentiment is very defensive and has contributed to the reduction in interest rates and the surge in bond prices.
But economic growth is continuing and pressure will soon be really placed on supply of raw materials.
Moves as we have seen in iron ore and gold over this past year are likely to soon apply to copper and oil as well as many other commodities.
The massive volume of funds tied up in bonds will pour out and fuel the uptrends in commodities and commodity stocks.
The ASX S&P ASX 300 Metals and Mines Index has broken its 2008 downtrend, is about to pick up the 2016 uptrend and should be sailing in 2020 and beyond.
BHP might already be there
And RIO not far behind.
Fortescue is looking very good indeed.
These stocks are on 5-6% yields on normal dividends and with the special dividends have rewarded shareholders with +10% dividend income yields.
So much more to come.
Call me to participate.
Barry Dawes BSc F AusIMM(CP) MSAFAA
Executive Chairman
Martin Place Securities
+61 2 9222 9111 October 2019
Dawes Points #92
I own all the stocks mentioned in this report.