Torque Metals Ltd is raising $2,000,000 through a public offer of 20,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.10 each.
Torque Metals Key Points
- Small highly leveraged gold play
- Two major projects in key WA locations
- All underexplored by modern methods
- Paris project near important Boulder-Lefroy Fault
- Paris/HHH gold project has 32koz Indicated resource on existing Mining Lease
- Inground value >A$80m Net value ~A$16m (min)
- Bullfinch gold project has good exploration prospects
- Pre money value of Torque is only A$4m
- A$2m @ A$0.10 IPO closing 3 July
- Very good Independent Expert’s Report in Prospectus
- Listing on SSX in mid July
- Term Sheet and Prospectus attached
Call me to discuss investment here. +61 2 9222 9111
For a public offer of 20,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.10 each to raise $2,000,000.
Oversubscriptions of up to a further 5,000,000 Shares at an issue price of $0.10 each to raise a further $500,000 may be accepted.
SSX Code: 8TM
Lead Manager
Martin Place Securities
AFSL 291787
Phone: +61 2 9222 9111
SSX Sponsor
Trident Capital
AFSL 292674
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Torque Metals has two projects - One at Paris/HHH to the South of Kalgoorlie and the second at Bullfinch at Southern Cross to the West of Kalgoorlie.
Paris/HHH is near to production and surplus cash would provide additional funds for further exploration.
![Torque Metals Bulfinch map](
The Boulder-Lefroy Fault is the dominant structural feature in the Kalgoorlie region and this diagram clearly shows its NNW-SSE orientation
and the numerous subparallel structures either side.
All the largest gold mines in this region are on or very near this Boulder-Lefroy fault which is acting as the mineralised fluids plumbing system. Paris/HHH is within 50km of some very large gold deposits and the area has not had much modern exploration.
The Paris/HHH Gold Project deposit had 18koz recovered in 2017 in a small mining operation and currently has a JORC `Indicated’ resource of 32,000 ounces
on existing granted pre Native Title mining leases that should allow gold production within the next 18 months. The previous scoping study is still basically current.
Assuming a conservative 50% recovery and $1000/oz margin at A$2500/oz just this resource this would bring A$16m cash surplus to the project.
As with all mines, the increased A$ gold price will increase the total gold in a revised pit design so the resource number should be higher
Paris has good high grade zones and some old workings and good potential down plunge.
The HHH deposit has potential down dip and in the footwall.
Additional potential is noted in a sub parallel structure at Paris North where 5.2m @ 14.2g/t has been intersected.
The 68km2 contiguous granted mining lease tenements have additional potential along strike at in the sub parallel zones for Strauss and Marmaracs.
But much of this is underexplored.
Paris has also has a 10km northward extension in a 80% earn in JV with Jindalee Resources Ltd.
Some high grade intersections have been encountered including Maynard’s Dam with 3m @28g/t.